George Reeves

Like most residents of St. Lawrence Mr. George Reeves, Uncle George to most, loved to watch a game of soccer. Over his lifetime he watched numerous games and witnessed the play of some great Laurentian players.

He was always there to support the team anyway he could, always making sure he called in a pledge to the telethon raising money for the Laurentians National Championship travels.

Where ever he went he walked and getting to Centennial field was no different but when Diabetes took his leg, and walking was no longer possible he was still determined to get to the field. He watched his last Laurentian game from the sidelines in a wheelchair.

Though he is no longer with us, his love of soccer still lives on today. His children are huge Laurentian fans and can be found at many games throughout the year. His grandchildren play as well and two of them are here tonight to accept in his memory.

It is with great pleasure that we induct Mr. George Reeves into the St. Lawrence Laurentians Wall of Honour.